Friday 28 June 2013



We are in Wells-next-the-sea, we have been here three nights. We arrived in the evening of Tuesday 25th.  After a long day, we had left Great Yarmouth at 5.30am, arriving here at Wells at about six o’clock. Our arrival was fraught because Nelson had had a restless traumatic trip, despite the sea being calm for most of the day. Because we had to wait till the tide had gone into the harbour, (The buoys leading boats in were sitting on the sand.) we put the anchor down. The tide was coming in and the boat was moving and lurching.

Because Nelson was panicking, we put him into the boat, I was on the tiller trying to hold Pilgrim steady, Chris was lowering the anchor manually. It was then that Nelson tried to run up the ladder to get to us, and got stuck half way up, he couldn’t go down, and if he attempted to go up he was liable to break one or some of his bones. It was at this point we decided that he would have to return home, a decision we had been thinking about for some days, always hoping that he would eventually be able to cope with life on board.

Wednesday he returned home to Biggin Hill, we both miss him but know it was the best thing for him.

Most of the time I have enjoyed the trip, but there have been challenges along the way. In the first couple of weeks we were hampered by winds, and most of the other sailors we met, were reluctant to go out of harbour. Another aspect of sailing I find frustrating is one can’t choose when you will leave a port, that is down to the sea, and the time of the tide. (You would think this is obvious to someone who is always waxing lyrical about Times and seasons, ebb and flow……..but I am finding reality can be frustrating. )

Now that Nelson has returned home we intend over the next week to make up for lost time. We leave Wells tomorrow about 10.00am, and then we will, in the evening be anchoring near Grimsby. Sunday we will be in Bridlington. ( Although that’s another frustration, when sailing you can’t always say where you will be, if the weather changes our plans change.)

I am aware that we haven’t written a blog since the 19th of June. E-mails depend on if we have electricity where we moor, not all harbours or quays have electricity. We have only done it once so far, but we will sometimes be choosing to moor up on buoys, again no electric hook up.

Whenever we stop for a few days the captain takes the opportunity, to work on the boat, and the boat is becoming more comfortable.

Because we’re all feeling a bit flat, since Nelsons departure I am the only one to write the blog. But I’m going to finish with a scenario that occurred when we were leaving. Great Yarmouth Harbour.

Great Yarmouth 5.30AM, Chris and Jeanette bleary eyed, preparing to leave. Nelson miserable giving up the will to live.
Jeanette: Right, what do you want me to do.
Chris:  Go to the front and pull the front rope in………do try not to drop it into the 
Jeanette: Right (starts to pull in rope.) Oops p’raps he won’t notice.
Chris:  One of these days you will pull in a rope without dropping it into the water.
Jeanette: (Thinks) One of these days I may wrap it round your neck……..but after
               this trip.
Chris. You go on the tiller, I’ll contact the Harbour master . “ Great Yarmouth, this is vessel Pilgrim, requesting permission to leave harbour over.”
Coastguard: “Vessel Pilgrim permission to leave, proceed to the Lifeboat station and then make contact over.”
Chris: “Thank you. Over.” Right Jeanette, you take the tiller, motor down to the Lifeboat station I’ll get some rope ready in case we need to moor up down there.

Jeanette takes tiller motors Pilgrim, down the harbour, to the lifeboat station.

Chris: “ Great Yarmouth, this is Pilgrim, requesting permission to proceed. Over.
Coastguard: Proceed Pilgrim, cautiously another vessel, Dez Rez is about to enter harbour.

Chris: Ok Jeanette go carefully another vessel is about to enter the harbour on your portside.

Jeanette proceeds with caution. Yawns, wipes bleary eyes…..yawns again, drinks tea. yawns……thinks vessel Dez Res is taking her time……yawns looks at watch yawns.

Vessel comes into view.


Chris: Don’t panic, just take it slow, and stay on the starboard bank.

Jeanette: Oh, dear, oh no the damn thing is getting closer…….Oh God, Oh God.

Chris: your doing fine.

Jeanette: I can see the wash behind that thing, I won’t be able to hold Pilgrim steady.
She’s huge……..Oh God……..that was brilliant! I knew I could do it.


Thursday 20 June 2013

Some photos

BLOG 4. 19TH JUNE 2013.

As I write this we are in Southwold, the boat is moored in the rather beautiful harbour, which is full of traditional fishing buildings, made of wood and which are painted in bitumen. Very reminiscent of Daphne Du Maurier novels.

Our sail up from Orford Ness was pretty choppy, it has to be said that most of our sailing has been pretty rough.As I have mentioned on Facebook Nelson, has not been coping very well, which means I’ve not been coping very well, and have at times thought about alternative arrangements for him. The worst trip was when we left Woodbridge, but decided to moor up on a buoy on the River Deben for the night, we tried to toilet him on the sidedeck, but he wouldn’t have any of it. We tried again in the morning, again he would not go to toilet. So basically as we got out onto the sea he was distressed, added to this he had to contend with a rough sea, result one howling dog, shivering, dribbling and totally unable to settle. So the captain made the decision not to continue, and we went Orford Ness……where to our horror, we was directed by the Harbour master to a buoy………….however he did have a motor boat, and he delivered Chris, Nelson and myself to land much to Nelsons relief.

Apologies for being obsessed with Nelsons, toileting but the reality is it was a bit of a preoccupation, we can’t just put him on to a towpath, an oversight on our part.

When we did leave Orford Ness………well, I’m glad to report, that although he was not a happy dog…….he is learning to cope much better when the sea is rough.

Whenever we stop Chris takes the opportunity to get to know Pilgrim better, putting sails up, the first sail he put up was the fore sail, this afternoon he has been putting the main sail into place. It has to be said that we are both disappointed that most of the time we have been motoring, but as we get to know Pilgrim better, we will be sailing more.

As many of you know, Chris and I had a narrow boat for nine years, but Chris wanted more of a challenge, hence his interest in sailing. However, as much as I love seeing, the seals we’ve encountered, becoming familiar with different breeds of seabirds, seeing the changing coastline of England, the stress of looking out for buoys, often feeling queasy because of the motion of the boat, and then the added pressure of mooring close to other boats in Marinas, at this stage I have to admit to have a preference for the more leisurely boating of the canals.

Tomorrow we are leaving Southwold, our destination will be Great Yarmouth.

Well, I’m loving every minute of this trip, I still  love the motion of my hull as I’m riding the waves…….the bigger the better for me! (Although I am aware of the wimpey dog in the wheelhouse….shivering and howling away…….that dog should not have the name Nelson… fact I call it ‘Nellie.’)

As well as sailing on the sea I’ve motored up calmer waters of two rivers. The Rivers Deben and Ore. I love the variety of vessels on rivers, they are all so different. If I spot a boat that took part in the Dunkirk evacuation, I dip my bow in respect.

I have to say that in the last two weeks I’ve been observing what goes on, in the cabin.  It seems to me that the Captain is a very diligent sailor….but he is also, then expected to be cook, washer upper, shopper, and he is the first up in the morning to make coffee. In my opinion the guy is a total saint.

The day begins like this, he gets up makes coffee, he places the coffee, on a little table that sits on the vicars side of the bed. ( He actually made this for her, after she once complained that there was nowhere for her to place her cup.)

Her holiness often, means to peel the potatoes, put the kettle on, chop the onions, but there is always a text to send or answer. Last night the Captain asked her to pour the beers, a simple job you would have thought, only takes a moment, but then a text came in from her niece, she didn’t need to respond to it immediately, but she did. The Captain just raised his eyebrows and HE poured the beers.

This morning she did get up and make the tea, but then sat in bed till about 10.30 looking at her e-mails…….then Facebook…….then her texts. The Captain then asked her, to sort the dirty washing out, that has been piling up… has to be said she does make pretty piles of washing…..BUT WHEN EVER IS SHE GOING TO DO IT?

What does her holiness shout, when he asks her to do this. Her response is; “ Can’t you see I’m busy.” Yes, busy well she has read four books since the beginning of the sabbatical.

I think there needs to be a Celtic prayer written, for husbands who are taken for granted…….but I don’t think the vicar is the one who will write it.

If he changed his name to Nelson, she would do everything for him!

Thursday 13 June 2013

McLarens Blog-Woodbridge, Suffolk.

We are here in Woodbridge, we arrived two days ago, having a gentle trip from Walton on the Naze. When we left Walton on the Naze, it was sunny and the sea was calm. There was a gentle breeze, which meant for the first time we was able to unfurl the foresail, and we cruised along 3 knots. (I sound like a professional and seasoned sailor, but the captain is sitting here giving me all these details.)

Because of these conditions Nelson was able to enjoy the trip a lot more than on previous trips out, when he has howled and shivered, protesting at the injustice of being ‘press ganged’ into this trip.

The weather recently has been very windy, which means the sea has been choppy, which is the reason we have remained in Woodbridge, these last few days. The weather conditions have left me feeing somewhat frustrated as I would like to be on the move, and heading up coast, but Chris thinks it would not be a good move.

The highlight for me in the last week or so, was when Chris, Nelson and I went for a walk along the coast from Bradwell Marina, to St. Peters in the wall, the first of the Celtic Shrines that are on our itinerary.

As the chapel came into view, I felt a growing sense of excitement, and awe, as I had a feeling this place was going to be different from other Celtic Shrines I’ve visited, that are certainly very spiritual, and have a tangible atmosphere of prayer, through the centuries, but because of the popularity of Celtic spirituality there are often crowds of people around. I think of Durham Cathedral, where St. Cuthbert and the Venerable Bede are buried, or Hexham Abbey, and Whitby Abbey, which as Celtic Shrines have more ‘crowd pulling power, but sadly because of this, so much of the prayerful ambience can be disappointing.

However, as we approached St. Peters Chapel, that is in a small field looking out to sea, there is a small wooden door. As we opened it, we saw that the chapel is a very simple stone chapel, with a few benches,  and a stone alter. I was not disappointed in the very spiritual atmosphere that pervaded this small building.

St. Peters Chapel was built by St. Cedd, who was one of four brothers who were educated on Holy Island. The ethos of this school was that young men were trained to become priests and missionaries. All four brothers were ordained as priests, and two of them Cedd and and Chad later became Bishops.

As a young priest Cedd had been successful on a number of missions, and was invited by King Sigbert King of the East Saxons, (Essex.)  To lead a mission with a view of starting a community in that region.

In 653 Cedd left Holy Island and sailed down the coast, to Bradwell. Those of us who are keen on recycling, would be impressed with St. Cedd. At first he built a wooden temporary building, but  when he wanted to build a new and more permanent chapel, where God would be worshipped he reused stone from the ruins of an old Roman Fort, he had discovered.

Off course when I read this, I couldn’t help thinking of Vivian Symonds the first Vicar of Biggin Hill, who rebuilt St. Mark’s from a bomb damaged building in North Peckham.

Earlier today Chris and I went to look at the local parish church, and I was amazed at the beauty of the stonework, how craftsmen in the past put stones together, that may have been beautiful on their own, but put together, there was a beauty, allowing the church building give glory to God.

In reflecting on both these accounts of St. Cedd buiding his new chapel in Bradwell, out of stones from a ruin, and then considering that a similar situation happened in Biggin Hill, the words from Peter come to mind in his first letter, “ As you come to him, the living stone-rejected by human beings but chosen by God and precious to him- you also, like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Both St. Peters chapel and St. Mark’s Biggin Hill, where built by bricks that some would consider as ruins to be unusable or unworthy,  to be part of something new and vibrant, that can be used again to God’s glory.

In his letter Peter writes that we are precious to God, and we can be living stones, vibrant with the good news of God’s love. We can all be used by him……we at times may feel we are like those stones, ruins, worthless, but God can rebuild each one of us into something new.

I conclude by writing the prayer of St. Cedd  and the Saints of Essex, which is on a prayer card I brought from the chapel of St. Peters in the wall……a former Roman Ruin now a beautiful chapel reflecting the  love and salvation of Christ.

O Almighty God, who willest to be glorified in thy saints
and didst raise up thy servants Cedd and the Saints of Essex
to shine as lights in the world:
Shine, we pray thee in our hearts, that we also
in our generation may show forth thy praises
who hast called us out of darkness into thy
marvellous light; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Jeanette and Chris


We sailed from Hoo Ness 10.30am High Tide, after making sure that as much as possible was secure, for what would be a rough passage, across the Thames Estuary. The destination was Bradwell on sea, where we would visit our first Cetic Shrine, St. Peters in the Wall.

We motored down the River Medway, passing Sheerness, across the Thames Estuary. We saw the Essex coat in the distance, I couldn’t work out why Chris wasn’t sailing straight across. He mentioned that we could see Bradwell, I panicked thinking he had forgotten that was the destination of our first celtic shrine. It was then that he explained the little matter of the Maplin Sands, and Fowlness, directing my gaze to the sea charts, where I noted the huge stretch of sand that lies in front of the Essex coast, where sailors fear getting stranded at low tide.

The crossing into the River Crouch was choppy, and at times I felt really rough, but I had a very distressed dog to contend with who howled most of the way over to Bradwell. Even when we reached the calmer waters of the River Crouch, he remained looking miserable, and a shaking wreck of a dog.

Yesterday evening we arrived in Bradwell Marina, at 6.15pm, after eight hours sailing.

Some years ago, a couple we spent some time with holidaying on the canals, shared with Chris and I,that when they first started going out together, her Father suggested that they should go sailing.  His reasoning being that, a couple that can sail together stay together. I smiled, at this Chris and I had just taken to narrow boating and although narrow boats do not have the same challenges as sailing on the sea, we had had our fair share of arguments and tensions as we learnt. And indeed, I had decided at one point that I would never cruise the boat again, after he had raised his voice to me in a lock after a manouvere had gone wrong. This was in front of a crowd of people, on a summers day, watching the boats going through the lock. I vowed that in future I would work the lock, while he cruised the boat. ( This was decided, at the same moment, I resisted the temptation of hitting the Captain over the head with a windlass. ( The instrument with which that you open the sluices on the lock with.)

I agree that sailing can certainly challenge ones relationship with your partner. Examples from this week are;
1. When you have packed something somewhere where you think is just perfect, to find that the item has been moved.
2. A  carpenter husband, who can never remember where he put his tools.
3. A captain that shouts at you because you’ve inadvertently let a rope drop into the sea.
4. A Captain who shouts at the dog because it’s scared out of his wits. ( The only thing that stops you throwing him overboard…….is that he has all the sailing skills.)

And finally as I write this, I am in a great deal of pain, because I have pulled a muscle in my back, while I was grappling with a duvet cover, in a confined space.
Question: Why does the Captain, Mr. Territorial Army Action Man, need a duvet when sailing…….wouldn’t a sleeping bag suffice????

Whether motoring or sailing, I prefer calmer waters, while Chris enjoys the stimulation and exhilaration of choppy waters. We can’t choose how our sailing will be calm,or choppy, turbulent seas that sends you into the boat tying possessions down, stowing them away, so they won’t get broken or wet. Sailing is so like may aspects of  life, things can be calm and we think we are in control, then suddenly turbulence can occur, sickness, bereavement, the breakdown of a marriage, a period of redundancy.
Yet what ever the situation God is always always with us. 

I conclude this blog, with a prayer, that reminds us of this.

Sea Tides.
Let the lovetide swelling
 Surround me and my dwelling.
Let the power of the mighty sea
Flowin, Lord and strengthen me.
Tide of Christ covering my shore
That I may live for evermore.

Whatever the tide
The Lord at mt side,
In the storm or in calm
to keep me from harm,
In good or in il
He’s with me still.
(David Adam.)l

Well blow me down………talk about baptism of fire. I ended my last blog by asking ‘What this going to sea lark was.’ Well, I was strapped into my life jacket. Then the captain and the vicar started making sure that everything in the boat, was securely put into place. I watched with some amusement. Then, the engine was started, what a bloomin roar, then there was some movement. I thought to myself ‘Don’t panic Nelson this is familiar you’ve been on a narrow boat before, lots of noise, but after that calm, gentle with the promise of a walk along the tow path. So to calm myself I sat low in the cock pit, once I was used to the sway, I thought I would like to check out the tow path. It was then I realized there was no towpath it was miles to the shore. I decided to protest a little, I howled.

Attempts were made to calm me down. But I’m afraid I shook, put my head down in misery and panted. The captain suggested I have a drink of water. I wanted to shout.
This was when my new gait kicked in, body down legs out, flat at the side. This is the walk I use when I’m on those dreadful pontoons.

This was to get worse, once we started motoring to the Essex Coast, the sea got choppy, waves were going over the wheelhouse, I  decided to take a look over the vicars shoulder, who was holding me a trying to comfort me in my howling which had become a shrieking scream. It was then I realized, the height of the waves………and even worse…….no land…….where had the land gone……no land…..Oh, will we ever see land again.  I shiver, scream, shiver scream. The vicar picks me up, and tries to console me.
The conversation goes like this.
Jeanette. This is going to get better, they’ll be beach walks.
Nelson: I want to go home.
Jeanette. We will be walking along the same beach, that Gavin Maxwell walked with Mij.
Nelson: I want to go home.    
Jeanette: We will walk beside Loch Ness, seeing if we can spot the monster.
Nelson: MONSTER, MONSTER……….YOU ARE THE MONSTER. Fancy thinking I would enjoy this………(more howling.)

I was quiet after a while trying some meditation, (I’ve heard about this from the vicar….I thought this was a good chance to try it.) Then I heard her say, the pure audacity of it…… ‘I haven’t enjoyed today, I feel like I’ve been babysitting a fretful child.’ If I’d been a Rockweiler, I’d have bitten her arm of and fed it to the fish…….but I did all I could do and that was howl some more.

We motored into Bradwell Marina, the Captain and the Vicar and I went to the Marina Bar, where we all indulged ourselves with a beer. ( I don’t drink much, the vicar dips her finger into the froth, I love the froth.) They ordered a meal, my stomach had by now settled…….I sat with the most appealing look, ‘ After all you’ve  put me through you could spare a chip.’ Did they heck. They worry about my  diet……but put me through hell…..and call it a pilgrimage.

PILGRIM………IN PROGRESS. ( And loving every minute of it.)

Yes, many of you on Facebook guessed that I was the fourth voice in the blog. I would like to tell you a little of my story, of how I came to be owned by the Captain and the Vicar.

Eight years ago I was taken by my new owner, to Ramsgate dry dock by my new owner, who had big ideas to refit me, so he spent thousands of pounds, on a new engine, new cooker, other new gadgets. He would rub his hands with glee as he would look at me and dream, dreams.

Then he didn’t appear for a little while, when he did he looked gaunt and ill, from conversations I heard, I came to discover he was terminally ill. Sadly he died, and his two sons, who inherited me had no interest in sailing.

So I sat in dry dock for eight years, prospective buyers came and went, many arranged to look me over and disappeared. I would watch other boats, come into the boatyard to be decorated or be refitted and I would watch them go into the crane and back into the sea. I would watch the Ramgate ferry come and go twice daily. But ebbtide, ebbflow, I remained in dry dock.

Then twenty months ago a couple came into the dry dock, I knew he was an experienced sailor. He was also a craftsman, he would rub his hands along my metal hull. He would wander inside, looking at my woodwork, sometimes alone, sometimes with his wife. He would spend ages talking her around, saying I was a boat with a lot of potential. The wife, I gathered by this time was fed up with projects, they has renovated an old seventies narrowboat, and their latest project had been the renovation of a sixteenth century town house in Margate. She would say things like, ‘Enough is enough’.

However eventually she relented, she had just applied for a sabbatical, and the plan was to sail (on me) around Britain. I was delighted, yes, yes, I was glad these were my new owners. But there were many set backs along the way, being let down by the engineer who was supposed to fit my engine, family bereavement, boatyard politics.

But then the Captain called some friends into help, Jim, an ex Seaman, came and worked on my electrics, John came and painted me. I felt that I was coming alive again.

So when on Friday 31th May I was finally lifted into the water, with a new mast, I could not believe it. I thought my destiny was to sit and rot, and here I was being lifted into the sea.

Jim who had fitted my electrics in, was the person that heard me coming to life. He had heard the straining of the mast as it was fitted. Because Jim, had put so much work into me, The Captain let him motor me round to Hoo Ness, as I was going over the waves, he again said ‘ She’s coming alive.’ I was indeed, as the waves were coming at  me, I would ride them. The waves that made Jim and the vicar seasick, was exhilarating me. (Yippee, Yippee)

I am now in Bradwell Marina, after another rough crossing, if you are wandering why the captain hasn’t written a blog yet, its because he is continuing to work on me. Now the new challenge……, will the dog Nelson, take to this sailing lark. I could hear him yesterday, howling and screaming. ( I was having a whale of a time.) I do hope, that he lives up to his name……the name of that great Admiral…….who I believe in his time was seasick as well.   
Skipper’s log.  What a journey!!!!!!!!!!!  This began 20 months ago when I saw a boat online which looked very capable of going places in open sea and also with lovely lines and with a very reasonable price.   Amazingly Jeanette agreed to have a look at the real boat in Ramsgate boatpark.  She looked sad, the boat that is, named Vixen.  Her decks were heavily pitted with rust but her hull was sound. I knew what to look for as we owned a narrow boat for 9 years and they can rust underwater from inside and out.  Sadly, the owner had died and his sons had kept the boat and I later learnt that that the wooden mast was beyond repair, left on the ground to rot.  No engine, but one had been paid for and waiting in the factory.  We decided over tea in Ship Shape to make an offer.  75% of the asking price.  I negotiated over the internet and after I told the owner our plans he accepted and was please to hear our intention to sail around the UK.  His Father wanted to sail across the Atlantic but fell ill and this seemed a fitting tribute to his memory.
On the day of payment and exchange the new engine was delivered to a local engineer, one decision we would later regret.  It was the same engineer company I had found in the boat’s paperwork and they seemed the appropriate choice having done business before.
I shall recall some of the work over the past 20 months as we go along but to the near present.  The last two weeks have been crazy.  I often advise student to make a dummy deadline to meet, then you have time to edit and perfect your work.  I did not have the luxury of this as work and other commitment conspired to reduce the time.  One solution would be to get someone to do the work for us but this can be costly and has proved risky.  I thought of John McIllmurray who describes himself as a handyman.  I know him and he is very conscientious so I decided to ask him to finish the painting of the boat.  He did 2 weeks work in one and the boat looks amazing.
Other large tasks need to be finished.
·         Welding new stainless Steel to take the 16m mast I had bought from Galway last year, no small job.
·         Lifting the mast and fitting some new rigging.  What a saga. £££
·         Fitting fuel lines.
·         Connect exhaust.
·         Electrics.
·         Engine panel and wiring loom.
·         Wooden panelling around engine to refit
·         Finish commissioning the engine.
·         Bolt inspection panel to lifting keel.  Essential to prevent water entering boat.
·         Skin fittings and toilet hoses.
·         Depth Gauge to wire up.
·         Getting the boat in the water!!!!!!! ££££
·         Move Boat to Hoo Ness!!!!!!!!
·         Tidy the boat
·         Fit New name: Pilgrim
Jobs which will need to wait.
·         Cleaning fresh water tank and bolting down hatch which previous owner had removed to inspect.
·         New cooker to fit, came with boat.
·         Gas bottle to fit and pipes.
·         Deck hatches to coach roof.
·         Polycarbonate to wheel house to replace 4mm glass!!!
·         DSC Radio, use handheld VHF for the first few days

Sunday 2 June 2013

A new voice is going to be added to the blog.
Me Chris, Nelson..........who is the new voice? I wonder........whose voice is stirring.......who has a tale to tell?
All will be revealed in the coming days.

Saturday 1 June 2013


After sitting in dry dock for eight years, Pilgrim finally took to the sea yesterday, and left Ramgate Harbour. After many frustrations and set backs, she was cradled at two o'clock in the afternoon, and lowered into the sea. There was slight anxiety for the first ten minutes, in case she wasn't water tight.

For the launch Chris and I were joined by Jim a member of the congregation of St, Mark's who has helped out with the electronics on the boat. An ex-seaman he was keen to take the tiller.........he was still on the tiller at 12.00 last night.

As we left Ramsgate we were somewhat surprised that, the sea was so rough, and after half an hour was feeling really sea sick.......even Jim a true salty seadog was looking pale.

We were meant to moor at Hoo Ness Marina but because of the low tide and the mud flats we went onto Chatham Harbour. After just two hours sleep the three of us arose at 4.00am, and motored around to Hoo Ness were we found a birth.

We didn't intend to be sailing so late, but the trip down to Hoo took longer than expected, we did intend to go home pick up our luggage and some equipment and return to the Vicarage, pick up Nelson, go to the boat ready for the blessing of the boat. But this morning we arranged for a friend who has a key to the house to walk him, and bring him down on the minibus, with members of St. Mark's.

The last 24 hours have been a mixture of emotions, excitement at seeing Pilgrim finally put into the water, tiredness after a long night sail and exhilaration as many friends and family came to join us for the blessing of the boat, by the Bishop of Rochester Rt. Rev. James Langstaff. It was great too having so many friends come aboard Pilgrim to have a look around the boat that will be our home for the next three months.

A touching moment  when I was approaching the Isle of Sheppey, where my Mother lives, I phoned her to say I could see the Island in the distance. Half an hour later she phone me to say she was at the sea front, looking out for us. She had a long wait, but I phoned her again to say that we was in Sheerness, she said she had a torch with her, and was flashing it, could I see it. I was about to humor her and say yes as there were lots of lights along the coast. When all of a sudden I could see this little light flashing, I started to wave a torch and she excitedly said she could see us. A wonderful moment!

So we are back here at the Vicarage needing a hot bath an early night, to get up pack and go back to Hoo Ness, to set sail on Tuesday.

As many of you know we will during voyage be visiting Celtic shrines, many of these places were written about in book written by the venerable Bede a monk from Jarrow who wrote a history of the early church. As we go around the various sites I will make reference to the comments he made in his book about the sites we visit and the Celtic Saints that are associated with them.

To be quite frank I have never liked the boat. My name may be Nelson, after some British Admiral........but boats bore me. I have spent the most boring intervals of my life in a boatyard for hours while the Revs, work on the boat. Watching them rub down, paint, repaint.....paint some more. Not to mention the noise that comes from the work that goes on in the interior of the boat.......then there's the funny smells......these have funny names. Anti-fowling sounds like something that's anti poultry.......White Spirit.......well that's a new one on me, I often here these two talking about the Holy Spirit......well I don't know maybe they've met this Holy Spirit.....and maybe he has white hair.....wheres a white suit......but I do know this white spirit has a funny smell.

Anyway just recently their seems to be an excitement in the air expectation. They didn't come home last night even though I knew they were meant to. Then a neighbour I recognize comes in takes me for a walk, takes me home. Then comes back for me a short while later, and puts me on a bus with people from church, we drive for while, I'm rather enjoying myself, being stroked, and fussed over. We stop, then suddenly, the door opens and a familiar voice.....says 'Hello Nelson.' I look with horror the vicars got her working clothes on.....the clothes she wears in the boatyard......Oh No not another day in the boat yard.
She takes me by the lead.....walks me down a ramp....with all the people from church.....and suddenly thers that boaty thing. Only now its in water......a different colour and looking.......oh no its now sitting on water.
Oh before I had to be lifted up a scaffold......and I don't like that thing is sitting in what likes water.
A crowd gather round this lumbering thing they climb in it.......there's much excited talk. someone called a Bishop comes blesses it and the Reverends......and me. Me why me.....there's talk of going to sea. I like going to the woods...I like walking down Main Road in Biggin Hill.......especially near the chip shop or the kebab shop. But whats this going to sea.............